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Personalized & Custom Invitations & Announcements, Thank You Cards, Christmas Cards, Note Cards, Stationery & much more.
New York City Note & Christmas Cards - Pen & Ink Drawings & Photo Realistic Scenes - Decorated Light Switch Covers

IPV Studio located at 529 77th St  Brooklyn, NY 11209  Toll Free: 888-286-0365 
Family owned and operated since 1983.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

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We offer an
On Line Proof
of your order before we ship.  




Boston Theme Invitations from Ira's Peripheral Visions

BostonTheme InvitationsFor more then 25 years we have provided drawings and images of New York City scenes. Now we are proud to offer a unique line of Boston, Massachusetts Theme Party Invitations. We will customize the text specifically for your special occasion. Choose from the designs shown below or you may choose any design from our other collections. The Basic Invitation Package includes personalized invitations and envelopes printed with your return address.
We also offer other Boston Theme Invitation Packages including personalized invitation, coordinated response card and envelopes.  We will personalize and address all envelopes.
You will have the opportunity to view an on line proof before we go to print.
Coordinated reception cards, map details, direction cards, programs, pamphlets and thank you cards are also available.  Call toll free 888-286-0365 for further information.
Click on thumbnails to see larger image.
See sample Boston Theme Invitation Verses.  See sample Boston Theme Thank You Card Verses
You may place your order by calling us toll free at 888-286-0365 or by using the order form below.
When you place your order, please have the following information ready.
See table below for prices


Boston Party Theme Invitations
5" x 7" flat invitation printed on quality card stock

Boston Theme Invitations
Theme  Invitation


Boston Theme Invitations
Theme  Invitation


Boston Theme Invitations - Bi-fold Cards
5" x 7" bi-fold card printed on quality card stock
with image outside and message inside.

Boston Theme Invitations

Boston Theme Invitation
Statue of Liberty
Bi-fold Card
with image and text outside
and with text inside

Boston Theme Invitations

Boston Theme Invitation
Statue of Liberty
Bi-fold Card
with image and text outside
and with text inside




Sample Boston Theme Invitation Verses




Start spreadin' the news!
[Guest of Honor] is having a Party!




Please join us as we celebrate
[Guest of Honor's] Anniversary
Under the lights
In the Greatest City in the World!




Please join us as we celebrate
New York Style
with a Party for [Guest of Honor]




It's an Evening on the town in Boston
To celebrate the Birthday of
[Guest of Honor]




Please join us in celebrating
[Guest of Honor's]
This fun filled New York Style Bash will
take place on [party date].




You'll want to be a part of it!
It's [Guest of Honor's] 50th Birthday
Celebrated New York Style




He's King of the Hill, Top of the Heap, A Number One
And we're celebrating the Birthday of
[Guest of Honor]
Under the stars in New York, New York




East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We're celebrating the Anniversary of
[Guest of Honor]
New York Style!




We're in a New York State of Mind
As we celebrate the Birthday of
[Guest of Honor]




Live from Boston!
[Guest of Honor's] 50th Birthday Party!




Choose one of our verses or compose one of your own!








Boston Theme -  Thank You Card Sample Verses








Thank you for the wonderful gift.








It was wonderful of you to share my Special Day with me.   Thank you for
your good thoughts, your generous gift and for being there.  It means the
world to me that you care.








Thank You for joining me
On my special day.
Your generosity and thoughtfulness
were very much appreciated.








This brings sincere thanks
For the lovely gift you sent,
I wish to tell you
Just how much it meant.








You brought joy to my special day
Thank you for your thoughtful gift.








Of all the gifts,
Love is the best.








One thank you for the gift,
And another for the thought.
A dozen thank yous couldn't tell you
All the happiness they brought.








Choose one of our verses or compose one of your own!



When you place your order, please have the following information ready.

1. The style number of the card

2. Your choice of verse

3. Name of person(s) being honored.

4. Name of celebration and complete address of venue.

5. Date and time of your event.

6. Host signature, if you choose to use one.

7. Your R.S.V.P. date and information.  If you are ordering response cards, we will print the addressee's name on the label at no extra charge.  If the cards will be returned to someone other than yourself, please have that person's name and address ready.  Please decide if you want the addressee's name to be that of an individual or a family.

 If your caterer needs totals on various entrees in advance of the party, and you want to place the selection of entrees on your response card, please have the selection ready.  It's best to use the caterer's exact names for the entrees, so that your guests will have a good idea of what they're ordering.  If there is a separate children's menu that's already been selected, you might want to make that clear.

8. The return address as it will appear on the back flap of the main envelope.

9. Your payment information.  Please have your credit card ready.

10. If you require a rush job, please let us know this up front.  Our standard turn around time is ten business days from approval of on line proof till shipping from our NYC headquarters.  West Coast customers may choose from standard ground, 3 day air, 2 day air, or overnight shipping.  We ship via USPS, UPS, or Fedex, selecting the best method for each individual order.

11. If you're selecting a font that's different from what's shown on our page, please have its name ready.  We can accommodate you where most standard fonts are concerned.  If we can't get an exact match, we will show you close matches.  Please specify the color that you want your text to be.

12. If you are writing your own verse, please send it via e-mail.  This will eliminate any problems or typos that may arise while transcribing.  However, it's not mandatory that you send it by e-mail.  If you prefer, you can telephone us and recite the verse for Debbie to transcribe.

13. We can accommodate most foreign languages that are based on the Roman alphabet. However, it will be the customer's responsibility to proof read all foreign language text and make sure that it's correct.  We can transcribe letters and words, but we are not fluent in foreign languages, so we must be sure that the customer can proof read the foreign language texts.

 For non-Roman alphabets, if the customer can fax us the type-set text, or e-mail it as an attachment, chances are good that we can use it on the card as an image.

 There will be a surcharge for any long verse written in any foreign language using a non-Roman alphabet.

14. Special for parties with teenage guests:

Parties with teenagers sometimes present unique circumstances.  Because the invitations are being received and read by  teenagers, who may not yet be familiar with party etiquette, sometimes its best to make your intention absolutely clear when formulating your invitation text. 

 Please consider if you want to stipulate the following:

 a. That your party begins and ends at a specific time, and is not an all night affair.

 b. If you expect your guests to conform to a certain type of dress, it's best to say so.  Suggestions: Formal, Semi-Formal, Casual Chic, etc.  If you expect the boys attending the party to wear ties, it's best to make clear that the party is Formal dress.  If you're having a themed party and you want your guests to dress accordingly, you might want to spell this out too.  Suggestions: Hawaiian shirts for a luau. 

  If necessary, you can break up your order so that some of the cards specifically instruct the teens not to wear Do Rags, Jeans, Sneakers, Bandanas, Belly Shirts, etc.  This can be worded politely and tactfully.  Those invitations can go to the teens, and an invitation with different text can go to your family and friends.  Provided that the differences in text are minimal, there will be no extra charge for breaking up the order like this.

 c. If a teen hasn't attended many Parties, he/she might not understand that the invitation is intended for him/her alone.  We have had customers report unfortunate incidents in which one invited guest arrived at the party with five uninvited friends in tow.  When the host is paying in excess of $50 per head for the affair, and a few guests do that, your expenses can spiral out of control quickly.   To prevent such an incident from happening at your party, you may consider adding the text: Attendance by Invitation Only.

 d. If the party is inappropriate for young children, you may want to make it clear that there's a baseline age for attendance, and that the party isn't suitable for younger siblings.

 e. Are you concerned about your guests arriving late?  Is your guest of honor going to launch the affair by making dedications, and do you want to be sure that your guests have arrived in time to hear them?  You might want to add this text:

    Please make this a special day for [Name] by arriving on time for his/her dedications.

15. Finally, and we can't say this often enough:

 If you come to us at the last minute, with less than a month remaining to your affair, we will do whatever we can to help you.  We do accept rush jobs (except in December) at an additional fee, and you can opt for Fedex overnight shipping.  However, it is always best to allow yourself breathing room when ordering invitations.  It will reduce the wear and tear on the host, and help you to better enjoy the anticipation of your party, if the invitations are in your hands eight weeks before the party date. 

 We find that the best rule of thumb is to have the invitations in the mail eight weeks before the party is scheduled.  Two weeks before the party, you should have received all of the R.S.V.P. cards or calls.  If you stick to that guideline, it will ease your journey through your preparations for your big event.








Basic Package: Flat Invitation and
Envelope With Return Address






Basic Package: Bi-fold Invitation with
your image outside & message inside
and Envelope With Return Address






Coordinated Response Card and
Addressed Envelope






Coordinated Reception Card







Coordinated Bi-fold Thank You Cards with Personalized Message and
Envelope with Return Address






Coordinated Place Cards
See additional information below if you would like us to print your guests names on the place cards




Addressing Envelopes
with your guests addresses

See additional information below

Maps and Directions

E-mail for Prices and Further Information

Addressing and/or Finishing

E-mail for Prices and Further Information


Addressing Envelopes


If you provide us with a database with your guests names and addresses, the price to address your invitations is
50 cents per envelope.
The database file should be an Excel spreadsheet with separate columns for Names, Address, City, State and Zip Code. Your guests names should be written out exactly as you would like them to appear on the envelopes. It is customary to spell out words like Street, Avenue and to spell out the names of the states.


If you provide us with the names and addresses of your guests in a written form, there will be a charge of $50  for us to produce the database and an additional  charge of fifty cents per envelope to address them.




Printing guests names on Place Cards


If you provide us with a database with your guests names, the price to print their names on the place cards is 50 cents per place card.
The file should be a spreadsheet or text file with each name on a separate line. Your guests names should be written out exactly as you would like them to appear on the place cards.


If you provide us with the names of your guests in a written form, there will be a charge of $50  for us to produce the database and an additional  charge of fifty cents per place card to print your guests names on them.


If your guests table numbers are ready we will print them at no additional cost. If they are not ready (which is usually the case) we will leave a space for you to fill the number in.

Shipping & Handling is calculated separately and will be added on to the total price.  Orders are shipped via UPS Ground Track or USPS Priority Mail, unless the customer requests a different method. New York City Residents add 8.625% Sales Tax.


To place an order you may call us toll free at 888-286-0365 or fill out order form below and we will get back to you shortly For additional security click on link to use our Secure Boston Theme Order Form Security Lock on our secure server.

First Name (required).................................................................

Last Name (required)..................................................................

Address .....................................................................




Shipping Address (if different) ..........................................




Invitation Style name
and number ................

 Invitation Quantity ...

Invitation Verse Number .........................................................
(Choose one of our verses or write your own)

Invitation Custom Verse:
Write your own verse in the box below as it
should appear on your Invitation

Return Address on Envelopes for Invitations:
Write your return address as it should appear on the flap of the envelopes for your invitations.

Response Card Style
name and number
(if different from Invitation)

Response Card Quantity

Response Card Text:
Write text in the box below
for Response Cards.

Addressee on Response Card Envelopes:
Write addressee as it should appear on the front of the envelopes for your response cards.

Reception Card Style
name and number
(if different from Invitation)

Reception Card Quantity

Reception Card Text:
Write text in the box below for Reception Cards.

Thank You Card Style name and number
(if different from Invitation)

Thank You Card Quantity

Thank You Card Verse ...............................................................

Thank You Card Custom Verse.
Write your own verse in the box below
as you would like it to appear inside card.

Return Address on Envelopes for Thank Yous:
Write your return address as it should appear on the flap of the envelopes for Thank You Cards.

Place Card Style
name and number
(if different from Invitation)

Place Card Quantity

Font .........................................................................

Telephone Number (required)......................................................

e-mail address (required)............................................................

Credit Card Type ........................................................

Credit Card Number .....................................................

Expiration Date ...........................................................



3 digit number from the back of Visa, Master or Discover Card
or 4 digit code from the front of American Express Card

How did you find us ?....................................................

Comments: Add additional comments here.

Upload your files:
If you are using your own image files you can send them
 to us by attaching them to the order form below

Attach File 1 .................................................................................

Attach File 2 .................................................................................

Attach File 3 .................................................................................

Attach File 4 .................................................................................

Attach File 5 .................................................................................

If you attached files you may have to wait a few
moments for them to upload. Please be patient.


Last modified  12/22/11

 Invitations Announcements Notes   Theme Party Invitations   Holiday Invitations   Holidays   NYC Images   Gift Items   for Business   Ordering   FAQ & Info

529 77th St  Brooklyn, NY 11209  Toll Free: 888-286-0365  Local: 718-836-4819
All images and text Copyright © 1996-2013 Ira's Peripheral Visions